Sunday, March 11, 2007

The second triangle

All part of the illusion.

Keith Ranville wrote at the following link:,685.msg17247.html#msg17247

“The evidence that I found like the triangle symbols found on a inscribed stone, in the money pit read about triangles inverted to each other so there was a stone triangle found south of the money pit. So the symbols described a second triangle so I looked for a second triangle, there was no second triangle on Oak Island so I expaned my search on google satilite and went east and low and behold a second triangle poped up at me.”

In this part of the illusion, Keith would have you actually think he searched on Oak Island for a second triangle. It would be hard for Keith to have searched on Oak Island, as he has never visited the island.

Please ask Keith to describe his search for the second triangle on Oak Island. Lol

Google may show an island, but the resolution for these aerials is just too course to even pick out a single mature tree, never mind a triangle of small stones which had a measured side of only 10ft.

Further Keith's statement once again contradicts his previous interpretations as no where has he evened mentioned an inverted triangle...this must be the first hints at yet another interpretation change...revision #5 perhaps?

Keith has clearly insisted triangles at right angles (to each other) with the second triangle being opposite a right angle, thus east or west…and has never been south!

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