Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Investigation

Certainly you are a wise investor and below is the information you will need, so that you may draw your own conclusion about the ‘Business Opportunity’. Certainly you have asked Keith very important questions regarding the investment, but may have only received newspaper ads without ever getting a straight answer.

Perhaps you are wondering if you are investing for a treasure hunt on Birch Island, or Oak Island, as his offering at is VERY confusing.

Don’t take my word for it, ask the very people Keith has used and manipulated for yourself.

Reference Letters

Dr. Steve Zou - People serch at
Steve Zou +1 902 494 3977 Steve.Zou@Dal.Ca Civil & Resource Engineering

Oak Island Tourism Society- Author – Communication Director
Contact information can be found at the following URL

Sault St. Marie museum - Author – Mr. Bruce E. Pearce, President.
Contact information can be found at

Ask these people what date they were presented the information, what was discussed (insert a Keith or associate's claim here, such as Atlantis, Freemasons, the US Dollar Bill, etc) and what they were actually giving support towards. Ask about Birch Island and most importantly ask if they still offer the same support.

Newspaper Articles

While media merely reports either a story or by running a paid advertisement, Keith has furnished many media releases which cannot be attributed to a news outlet, or a known reporter/author. When legitimate media coverage has made it to print, Keith (or associate) has changed the wording or purely inserted additional text!

One such legitimate article is by Angie Zinck who can confirm Keith Ranville (or associate) has manipulated/edited the original text. The new test was then posted online where Keith is asking for your money. There was never any mention of the edit, with the article still attributed to Angie Zinck. Please contact Angie Zinck to

Angie Zinck – Work Contact
Contact information can be found at

Licences and Permits

In Nova Scotia, one needs government licences and permits to conduct archaeological, mining, or treasure hunting work.

Here is the contact information within the NS Government who can confirm or deny if Keith Ranville has the proper government permission to conduct such work.

Special Places Permit information can be gained through the following URL

Mineral or treasure trove excavations

Treasure Trove Licence

Landowner Permission

Item 2 of the TTL states “For private lands, written permission from the landowner is required.”

The landowner is Christopher Ondaatje, you may attempt to contact him at the email from the following URL, to confirm or deny if Keith Ranville has any such permission. Certainly if Keith Ranville had permission, he would readily furnish it. email

Scientific Data

Keith has never once offered any scientific data to back his claims regarding the topographical feature of Birch Island. It is mere speculation which he portraits as fact for the purpose of getting your money. Keith has not conducted any archaeological or geological work on Birch Island, he did not possess any such data as of July 06, and his Dr. Zou admits he never offered an opinion of Birch Island.

In my next segment, I will show you how Birch Island was derived after many previous locations…complete with interpretation changes to suit his new locations. Following that another indepth look at his confusing solicitation about a treasure hunt on Oak Island!

Thank you for reading, I hope you have found this information helpful.

Keith has crafted a very clever illusion for the purpose of getting your money through investing in a not so clear treasure hunt that as it stands today, will never happen.